
Environment for Market Being Important

Good market environment has not changed. Stand-alone game with renewed vigor the opportunity can not spare, and be sure to drive people out of it? Endangered animals, the country will spare no effort to protect, and stand-alone game for endangered Why are we not to protect it? More and more players are willing to buy playstation network card online to maintain the fun in the game.
In all of the "Legend of Five" comments, in addition to the above, as insane, there is one group and above the contrary. This game is the classic, and they did not agree to the shortcomings of the game. But, regrettably, "Legend of Five" very obvious shortcomings, so the argument look shaky, so hold such a view of the players will use a variety of vexatious way to protect their own irrational, even worse, will directly to the criticism of "Legend of Five" players sponsor body attack.
In addition to these two extreme players outside, they are leaving a number of neutral players. These players are generally rational and objective, the "Immortal five" comment is well-founded, convincing. Reasonable criticism is to promote the game developer motivation, personal qualities, but the problem is vexatious.
Sony, the preparation of the Japanese electronics group, is on the verge of a corporate upheaval. At the same time, the sales of PlayStation Network Card will increase. We can see that it recently laid off, as well as management, production processes of many reforms.
A company source told the Times that the company has been doing to face the threat of approach and repeal and change some of Sony's long-term business practices. Many commentators, this restructuring is expected to come too late, will probably come early next month. The restructuring will also be accompanied by Sony's Japan operations for the largest share of changes, close factories, abolished some major controversy subsidiary.
Reorganization is expected to Las Vegas this month after the start of consumer technology products exhibition. The PSN card is popular in the market of game. Critics warned that Sony will lose billions of dollars for many years, unless the company president Howard Stringer began the conservative measures and resolved problems left by history.
Critics of Sony issued a red alert, and they suggest Sony's in-depth reform, which is the investors want. They are expected, since taking over in 2005, Howard's "all or nothing" crisis coming.
Credit Suisse analyst Koya Tabata, recently told investors that Sony's restructuring has been late, and must be fundamentally reformed. He said that Sony's business model requires rapid change, the transition to be profitable and to promote the business model.
They must focus on research and development of software, he said, the most important thing is that, in order to improve the organization of the force field. Second, marketing and purchasing, and only these points narrow the distance with his competitors, such as Apple, Nintendo.

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