
Bishop combined experience copy of Raiders Pastor

First of all, I first wrote this thing, wrong place, please do not spray. Bishop lair hell mode is text version of the Raiders civilian Saints. I mainly write status of civilians. Definitely not a rolling six-seven thousand attacks fast food articles. For one thing, to give just three to 50 and has been prepared to brush clearance as well as the new Bishop of Hell see how much it can help much help.
The first is my personal property map. Maybe it is not particularly civilians. But it is necessary to explain the next. Bishop double magic weapon A T-shirt wisdom suffix old version of the old hands the first edition of wisdom 40Aapocalypse. You can buy ultimate game card to join the game. Bishop is not to buy weapons, SD activities. I am only five No. 40 2000 attacks every day, brushing something base. Brush for ten days. Only 9 weapons and maybe cobble together a fantastic pit father is on drugs. It is Very lucky as a suffix. It is a little bit before the main line leveling Minato. Dual weapon enchant now is not the magic attack is also 5.8.
Combination of a team of Sage best Paladin packed full of provocative one-day Saints Dance Magic two outputs such as Ranger lead soldiers. First off is the difference between normal mode with boss changes in the 4X and 2X 3X will call about when to kill Mirage and Mirage before they can attack boss after the death of about 5 seconds will release the ancient magic. The ultimate game card code is needed to master the magic and have a fun in the game. Ancient magic is as usual two, a blown two magic. Blowing people does not care can ignore, but preferably not into the thorns. Mobs give you lots of thorns bombs.
The second key is magic, what is said to be 4W. Terrible so my approach is to kill the phantom immediately after the meeting to buff up complete miracle. Even a miracle can blow people were blown away at the boss cannot hit the case for output. Miracle is by injury outstanding results. The first basic Crispy directly carry over, including Phantom of the second more. It is because his teammates could not to force anything out. With ultimate gamecard this game is for you to enjoy. Will lead to second or even third place in ancient magic spells CD may be able to keep up with the lead if not.
Overall, the basic is the first off no problem. Dead, then back it decisively. The second boss put off full-screen virus needs to play hard giant mushroom but we all too well. That is 4W damage or even second person. Saints do not figure into the proposal before the brush into the map in the buff after you have enough time to brush and buff with his teammates need to advance the good. 

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