
Impact of assassination on Legion and bloody Corps

People know that the last term so far has not exactly whom to assassinate Khan, is an Army leader to seize the throne of Charles? In any case, this assassination is the impact of subsequent development of Charles thousands of important events. Khan's last before his death the establishment of four corps, namely the flame Corps, Steel Legion, Legion and bloody ashes Corps. You can buy ultimate game card to play this game and join the corps you want.
Charles lost the leadership, the four corps started instantly wins the power struggle between Gongs, each corps have their own support a claim that Khan's son and heir to his power and legitimacy. In fact, Charles is also confused Khan gave birth to sons in the end but the four corps claim to the support of the Khan's real blood.
Army battles each other, and occasionally there is a legion which won independence as the new Khan, would soon be beaten down without a regiment to keep long-term leadership position. Charles does not think there is something wrong, winner takes all, their savage nature is always the case.
Cunning man did not lose this opportunity, humans take advantage of the North Charles the Great Wall built during the civil war to consolidate their land seized from Charles. Charles torn apart one by one in each corps thick walls before being broken up, there is no way to get a little human. Also in this period, the land was named Escalon. You can buy ugc online to explore the mystery behind this game. Charles's civil war lasted a thousand years, so that the human forces continue to expand further north, to the north of the Great Wall was not even large tracts of land are under the jurisdiction of a human.
In humans before the arrival of Charles did not believe in God. Although Charles knows all about Merlin like flowers create the myth of the world, but they did not eat that. They do not have any power that the world more powerful than they, they think that even God is also used to allow them to conquer. Charles witnessed the worship of mankind until the true God, and received from God the power enough to defeat them. They realize that they are not invincible. Charles failures are attributed to the human body God, which human beings entirely on God's help it win.
Therefore, in order to defeat the man, Charles began to find their own God. Ashkelon is about two hundred years before the collapse, the flame under the command of an army corps, in a Hanger volcano adventure, the claim that they found a long time looking for Charles God Titan. Fire Corps swear loyalty to the first discovery of this new God, and faith in order to destroy everything at the obstacles. Slowly, one by one, each regiment were affected. With ultimate game card this game is for you to enjoy and there are more games for you to choose from.

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