
Final Fantasy XI Upgrade Experience on Career Choice

As a game lover of FFXI, I want to talk about something on the game’s profession, level up as well as some experience of mine.
The first I am going to discuss is the profession issues. FFXI career is very free, for a variety of weapons can bring the gamer different occupations, and some skills are common available to each other. For example, some physical occupations will go to take a stick to get liters Mesmer proficiency "Cure", the treatment of skills, which is very practical in their own separate Solo play. And no matter physics or magic system, there will be 2 to 3 production or acquisition professional assistance. So at the beginning when you create characters to do manufacturing and fishing apprentices and apprentices, I feel futile.
Second is about the level and upgrade issues. Today is three-pronged upgrade, manufacturing, and killing monsters and the task of 36-hour update (including production). Let me first to talk about task, the task system updates every 36 hours. When you are do production and fight in the combat, you can take eight different missions, which means that there are 16 tasks to be done at one time. When you belong to 1-10 Rank, you can do Solo (one star difficult) or Band (two star difficulty) by your own. 1 stars and 5 stars award summoned up the courage up a little more money, usually looking for players to abuse or 15 NPC groups will use. The task can call Rune at the beginning - to get the incentive to improve SKILL points. SKILL points are the professional level experience. FFXI has the physical level of experience and professional level experience, will be doing a lot of production experience in the physical level, generally around 1400, so the physical level tend to rise faster than the professional level. However, the ability to kill monsters often earnest related to professional level so please you pay attention to this.
Third, I am going to talk about the leveling experience. In general the first day of you to create a character, you can raise your Rank ability to 10, if you do the task as well as to kill monsters. You can go to the forest country to kill squirrels, Sand country to play the strange stones, and sea countries to fight the animals like rats. Slower students does not need to worry, the first task for you is to slowly get familiar with a variety of systems. If you are fatigue, you can begin to take the production line for upgrades. And please the new learner to keep one thing in mind that do not be too greedy. When you select the by-product of occupation, do have the desire to learn anything you meet. You are advisable to pick 1 to 2 training related to your career to benefit your own fighting, or every eight tasks completely not enough to upgrade.
When you are up to Rank13, you can take the task of R20 in the future. This time you will turn to complete the quest with the many friends and union, the following is the leveling process except for the killing of the old monster to level. First, you can start from the forest country or sea state, and sand country is in the middle, or running around is very troublesome. Sea countries is R20 ,4-15 task pairs, are then able to pick up the difficult to start and then pick the monsters. The forest country are general place for the players to begin with, the reward to the quest in forest country is quite rich, then go to the sea country, and it is very troublesome for you in these countries that you need to board a boat to cross the sea. And finally you began to get your production tasks.
For the new game players, the FFXI Power Leveling and FFXI Items are of great significance for you to win in the battles and combats. FFXI Power Leveling and FFXI Items enable you to upgrade your skills and experience points which are both the key factor for you to win a battle. So in addition to the good application of the skills, FFXI Power Leveling and FFXI Items are essential for you. Powerleveling-cheap is the right place for you to buy FFXI Power Leveling and FFXI Items at better price with the best services.

Read more:

Under 10 Level Skills of Fencers

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