
New Developed Stage Stationed for the System

The company is also funding the Shanghai Media Group, the first for the domestic market of casual sports pages Q-pet game "domesticated hen war" has entered the depth of research and development stage, which is ready to get to market in the near future. This is true for the game TERA. Now, the sales of tera gold are increasing a lot.
Open Platform is another try for a new online business. The platform is one of the most beautiful one, now in its closed beta systems have been stationed in more than 10 games, many of whom are the products of other game companies. In the sharing of resources, popular Tencent also received a lot of profit gains. The grand game, through the giant network already had "18 plan", "win at the Giants" and other small game makers to support a platform to share their natural resources, which has also been a lot of gains.
In addition, the overseas market also made new progress. Shanda overseas revenue in the first quarter reached 10.2 million, up 35 percent over the previous quarter, up 46 percent over last year. Old export-oriented online game company Perfect World to go further, its 110 million first-quarter revenues U.S., overseas income (including licensing revenue and subsidiary income self-employed) accounted for about 25%. It is worth noting that this year. Perfect World is no longer the game to foreign agents, but since entering a new overseas operational phase, the vitality of overseas business model and gradually increases. With the new mode in the game industry, the sales for most games are increasing, for example, the sales of cheap tera gold on the website during the period of activities are amazing.
It is obvious that a wide range of development models for the Chinese online game company is to achieve a deeper level of social technology and pave the way flat. China's private entrepreneurs, those who engage in consumer-oriented, to provide consumers with products and services, and actually are good. But given the impression to the community the impression, the impression to Internet users is basically bad.
Giant chairman and CEO Shi Yuzhu has released a micro-blog, that the domestic private entrepreneurs, those who engaged in providing consumers with products and services gave us leave a bad impression, and in venture capital have a "good end". The bad impression will affect the players who buy tera gold or EVE ISK to play games.
This is the original micro-Bo: China's soil, well-known in the consumer-oriented private entrepreneurs finally escapes the fate of all the notorious ridden. But out of all venture capital good end, I already stink, curse of 15 years, which are accused tired. If not curse enough, I help people criticize the history of the game world.

Read more:Exposure Supports for Games Lead Development

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