
My Short Story of Bid My Thoughts to Xoroth

Have you ever tried to write the rift background story? I recent just wrote one. For I have leveled my characters to high level and made lots of rift gold. Now I will share my story with you.
The swell of frenzied imps was tossed up into the air screaming. An orc followed while laughing, "LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN, falling down, falling down! London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, AND I'M GOING TO PULL YOUR HEADS OFF!" The imps cowered before his magnificence in terror. He snatched one up and squeezed, "You are a little man, and I am a big man!"
The orc bellowed and swung his maul upwards, "Krothgar does!" The fel guard mashed into the ceiling, turning into a juicy mess. Krothgar cheered, "I make it rain!" His refined and super-masculine senses qued him to something, "There is something important nearby! I NEED TO BREAK IT!" He kicked the door down with a laugh, "Fear me for I shall make you into puddles!" The surprised grunts of gan'arg and mo'arg sounded across the room, all of them looking away from their important looking machine. (Don’t think too much about your rift power leveling, take it easy)
The nearest underling pudleimitated as Krothgar started to clear his way into the room, heaving bodies to and fro. The overseers turned their machine guns on him and opened fire, unmindful of what they were dealing with. The orc grabbed one of the engineers and threw it straight through a gunner. "Hah-AGHR!" He growled and glared at the other large demon, the stream of bullets that had just been biting into his armor stopping. It let out a little yelp as the orc thumped his way over, ignoring the rabid horde at his feet.
"You made me ANGRY!" Krothgar roared and swung his mace over-hand onto the monster's skull, completely removing the flesh from its metal frame. He chuckled in satisfaction and picked up the heavy machine gun that had just been fired at him. It was impossibly top heavy, and for some reason had a huge bayonet on it. Wading through the gan'arg he picks up the other machine gun and grinned. It only then occurred to him that he was still under attack. With another manly laugh he stomped them all away and opened fire with a gun in each hand. In short order he was standing in green soup. "Groovy."
It charged him and flailed blindly, Krothgar yawned. Even farther incensed it jumped into the air with a horrifying warble. Krothgar caught it by the head and casually mashed it into the wall six or seven times. After it stopped quivering his manly senses kicked in again, "There’s an exit nearby! What the hell..." Strapping the machine guns to his back, he knocked on the wall. After a second he grinned, "OPEN SAYS ME!" The entire middle portion of the wall blew out as he kicked it. When the dust cleared a large, red, glowing button glimmered in front of him. He moonwalked over to it, spun on his heels, mashed it with the back of his hand and vanished in a green flash of masculinity.
That’s my story. If you are interested you can have a try. About the leveling, you can buy rift gold to help you. Just enjoy the fun.

Read more:A horde forever as its rulers well knew

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