
GW 2 will have 18 large new underground cities

South Korea NCSOFT 28th of this month the company announced that "fighting" expansion "Guild Wars: Eye of the North" and "battle" of the follow-up to "Guild Wars 2", respectively, at the end of this year and will open in 2008.
Plans in North America and Europe later this year issued a "battle: Eye of the North", is "fighting" the first piece of information. Can be purchased separately with the different existing chapter, in order to play the piece of information have to have one of the three existing chapters.
Basic piece of information to the existing "fighting" role as the center, will give the highest level players more playable content. In addition, NCSOFT plans to start the second half of 2008, "Guild Wars 2" in closed beta. "Guild Wars 2" not only has the current "battle" game content, will add a new game world.
"Battle" is the world's circulation of three million more than the ultra-popular game. In North America the "battle" and the information sheet series is still the ranking position in the rafts.
But recently, the development company Arenanet the upcoming expansion pack for the end abandoned the "battle", and announced that it will begin development of "Guild Wars 2."
Development plans, in the "Guild Wars 2" in use "battle" development of technology, the "battle 2" developed into a higher degree of completion of online games.
Battle + MMORPG = Guild Wars 2
"Guild Wars" focuses on PVP, that is the battle between individuals, labor unions fighting, buy guild wars 2 gold fighting between the servers. "Guild Wars 2" intends to strengthen and added a new MMORPG based on the content.
This work will be "fighting" the last piece of information in the. The last piece of information related to a change in PVP update based "battle" update practice, will have a greater story development. That is, the last piece of information will be connected to the center of the story, "Guild Wars 2" and PVP as the center of the "battle" of the bridge.
Moreover, the "Guild Wars 2" in the game players will also help to strengthen the "NPC companion system." Although the "battle" is team-based game, but also prepared to partner and work together to complete the task became the NPC system. "Guild Wars 2" in this system will become more simple and convenient.
In addition, the "Guild Wars 2" is written, "fighting" the last piece of information after the story of 100 years, will debut a new race and skills, systems and so on.
Enhanced PVP
"Guild Wars 2" strengthened before the "battle" the core of PVP. "Battle" where a server VS the war system, each server is no limit to the number of Guild wars 2 gold for large-scale war. This system was originally only within a specific time, but the "battle 2" players can at any time this war.
VS union will be strengthened, you can play against the conditions for a more detailed set. For example, one player too much, this union can use the skills, weapons will be limited. "Guild Wars 2" in order to adjust the balance between the two sides.
On the development and deterioration of the fork in the road
Develop a more fun game, may be every developer's wish. But game development or deterioration, the developer generally cannot determine their own, only players who can judge. Players generally little change in the game will be very sensitive, and even see through the part of developers have not thought of. Arenanet into the development of the boat is on the route, or into the deterioration of the route, which depends on "Guild Wars 2" was.
Read more news:The Most Required Skill in GW---Mesmer Skill

SWTOR—the science fictional WOW

The fire of the "World of Warcraft" network has blazed for six or seven years in the world and the players are waiting to see the better version of the game. May be you have never thought that the science fictional version of WOW could one day came into your eyes. Yes, the science fictional version of the WOW. That is the "Star Wars: The Old Republic".

According to the producer that agents of the Empire in Star Wars series were inspired by some of the classic role as Zam Wessel and the Empire Marshal Grand Moff Tarkin.  They are the good selection out of the military empire, and they use of high-tech equipment to perform the most dangerous tasks. As the empire expanded rapidly and effectively, they removed all obstacles. According to the official website of the presentations, the Empire skilled agents can use a variety of long-range firearms, open the robots for their own medical treatment, building energy shield to resist the enemy's fire, locate the calibration target area call air power to combat, and so on, is distance against the backbone.

As I first surfed in the game world, I was surprised to find that I was in the world of WOW. But when I weak up by the more fiction like setting, I suddenly realized that I was in the world of the SWTOR. Since the SWTOR contained the features of the two games, I fairly recommend the players to buy SWTOR credits to lay it just for once. The biggest difference lies in the more splendid setting in the game. I choose the "smugglers" as my profession. The role of the state bar, by the blood of a red and a yellow form of energy bars, a replica of the thieves wanted the status bar. And, like thieves, smugglers can be as stealth, and the skill bar. In the same time, I can switch to the stealth mode to use the skills. And the World of Warcraft almost has the same set of thieves.

Smugglers use the energy to fight, and this energy as time goes by fast recovery, so the smugglers use it for energy dependence. In the demo process, we tried three kinds of attacks: a normal shock wave burst rate of fire attack, one is slow and powerful shock wave bursts, there is a flare thrown to the opponent unconscious.

In front of us, there is a copy of the game, and it is a green laser. The green panel has a text reminder.  A copy can only tell us and my teammates to enter. Our team entered after the green laser at a fast read, we are surprised to find that we have within the copy, and read almost like a fast time we entered another room. Even though we did not expect that we are in the copy, the only reminder of showing we have a copy of the state is on the bottom right corner of the copy of the notice.

If you have played the WOW for many times, but never played the SWTOR, then you can try it once. I’m sure you will never be disappointed by the science fiction version. Now, buy STWOR credits and play it.
Read more news:When Will SWTOR Reveal Its Mask?

New Systems Announced in Display of E3

When asked about unique systems such as "political system" in the game, R & D team is still adhere to the hedge attitude, and they do not want to answer whether this particular system and PVP the only political system that is built on top of Society and Team System. PVP players will have another system that will enable them to enjoy, and all the answers at this year's E3 game show pinpointing.
According to Korea-related reports that South Korea will soon be making money funds have exceeded 500 billion won of the birth of online games. Game players pay much attention on "TERA". Although, R & D investment on TERA has been such a high cost, relative quality of the game and certainly a high level of work, but once the game if the operation fails, the developer might therefore push the prices collapse, resulting in unpredictable consequences. The price of Tera gold is increasing.
R & D team huge development costs will exceed the WOW. Developers Bluehole Studio said "TERA" the development funds to the assessment in May this year has exceeded 400 billion won, who predicted "TERA" to make this winter, when fear of over $ 50 billion of funds. Analysis and development funds will increase because the quality control department of 40 new employees, and "TERA" the entire development team into a 200-strong organization.
Online games currently on the market development funds actually invested large sums of products, and there is NCsoft's "AION" of 25 billion won and Blizzard's "World of Warcraft," 450 billion won, NHN's home-made game "C9" the cost of about 15 billion won. As the next generation of well-developed SONOV online "Berkanix" investment funds as well as more than 100 billion won, XLGAMES of "ArcheAge" and NCsoft's "sword of the Spirit" as close to 100 billion won funding. It seems such a record. "TERA" will have been identified beyond the "World of Warcraft", by far the world's most expensive online games, but this does not include other marketing promotional costs such as the cost players buy Tera gold on MMOXE.COM to play the game.
Currently, foreign single game like "GTA4" and "Metal Gear Solid 4" of development funds more than 1,000 billion won, "Modern War 2", "Too Human", "Shenmue", "Kill zone 2", " Halo3 "," GRANTURISMO5 "and other games are more than 50 billion won. If this situation develops, "TERA" the world next year will have the opportunity to compete in other games of the highest development cost of the game Top10.
In fact, as a newly released game, TERA is very good and in a rapid development process. With the popularity of the game, the currency in the game Tera online gold is in hot sale, which can show the popularity of the game.
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Synchronous Audio and Video Entertainment

The synchronization assistant software interface is very clear and concise. So you can get started on almost bought. Now the switch does not support the skin and both audio and video synchronization assistant to the iPhone, iTouch. But also the iPhone, iTouch music exports to the local computer which can be returned.
iPhone as a powerful entertainment-based device. Whether it is music, video, book collecting, all trapped in the iTunes control. Although users have used the heart, it is the lack of specific manipulation. Manipulation of the United States is different. We used to be a good song or video directly to your mobile phone to enjoy. But since the use, iPhone to this small series is free and by synchronization assistant today to enjoy again. This becomes a reality. Now let me take synchronize music for example to show you how to achieve what is synchronization assistant iPhone add entertainment files.
At "Music Management" tab, you should click the "Add Music" marquee after the song. Start "sync to device" and so put the music synchronized to the device.
Music Export can export single or bulk export first, choosing a directory to start the export. So do not worry because the database is not the same as the original iTunes erase the data.
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The Screen Effect of Games Bring to Us

Do you remember that image in 1981 with a simple but groundbreaking game? The first generation of game hardware integrated into the rules of the game, and function keys arranged like a circuit board image. Even so, their visual effects are very poor.
At that time, purely hardware console application constantly replaced by software applications, but the game quality is gradually improving. For example, in the game EVE, the game quality is wonderful. And just the beautiful screen quality can make players be attracted to buy ISK eve to play the game. The evolution of the game in each generation is defined by the number of processor computing power: the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment platform in 1985, 16-bit NEC TurboGraphix-16 in 1989 and Sega Five Dynasties, and the 32-bit Sega Saturn in 1994. But in the past, the game characters are limited to two-dimensional XY model of the world in the image. Such as the Nintendo in the air quickly grabbed the two-dimensional coin Mario (Mario), there is flat banana eating Donkey Kong.
By 1995, the situation is completely changed, and Sony PlayStation was launched three-dimensional role-playing game. Game for the first time has the shadow of the real world. Stores have also changed. Game card is 600 MB-capacity compact discs replaced, and it can provide CD quality sound and TV picture quality. Sony PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube game consoles such as next-generation game developers led to competition between the simulated realities. Sports figures have the muscles, facial expressions, and even sweat. Our own Tony Hawk games and other sports simulation games and TV shows can sometimes be the real thing. The active picture of the game brings many players to the game world. For example, the game EVE has this advantage, and many players search EVE ISK on some websites to play the game.
Today, the technology limitations are the limitations of our game. But as we get in the appearance, sound and interactive displays of life in imitation ability, as long as can think of, game designers and players can be created. The next generation of video games in the virtual world is in an unprecedented simulation of reality, so many players to participate and interact in real time. Games will become less like a "watch and control", but more like "virtual reality" - in space, in the Old West, the spy lair, in football or hockey field, and exposure to the "Spider-Man 2" (Spider-Man 2) or "Shrek 2" (Shrek 2) and other movies depicting the world.
We used the virtual reality theory which is that countless gamers around the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with real opponents constantly competitive. And I think, closer to that vision within the next decade, three factors are crucial: the online interactive, broadband penetration and increase product value.
We players do not care much about the factors behind the game, and we just care about the real effect of the game and the advantage of the game brought to us. So we can buy cheap eve isk to play the game.

Guess what kinds of special professions will be in the Guild War 2

Last week, the veteran game company NCsoft's ArenaNet production company released seventh professionals of the MMORPG "Guild Wars 2". Due to the contents released is quite limited, today in ArenaNet's official blog, ArenaNet Community Manager Regina Buenaobra published an article on professionals on the new FAQ for the players looking forward to Guild Wars 2. Also some details of this particular profession have been released, just take a look at below:
Q: The treatment of the ability of Healing Turrets is added, but also has a Med Kits, and Absorb skills such as defense. In the "Guild Wars 2" whether it focus on the treatment / BUFF / secondary vocational it?
A: The engineer is not an element of division than, Necromancer or guardian how much more professional treatment, the treatment engineer turret and treatment packages are set in their treatment skills slot, you must carefully consider how they can play effect. For example, treatment of the turret and the Ranger has a similar treatment at the fountain, and the absorption is nothing but a slight deflection playing different versions of a lot of skill players from other professional skills to find a similar shadow. Guild wars 2 gold We want to engineer designed as a versatile auxiliary support professional, but not in specific categories are definitely stronger than those particular occupations.
Q: The engineers focus on technology, the professional in the field of fantasy seemed more traditional alternative. Do you think the engineers of mines, grenades as well turret Han and the "battle 2" Long, sword and magic of the world out of tune?
A: "fighting a" story of the past 250 years, buy guild wars 2 gold the technology You Le advance, and we hope that these advances can become a wealthy individual engineer's career. We do not want to be the traditional fantasy of the bound box, every turn that this is not a fantasy world that should have. Of course, the technological revolution brought about by engineers as being representative of the cultural mainstream culture has not been widely recognized, this will be reflected in the game. You can see a lot in the game medieval weapons, technology and hardware revolution is "Guild Wars 2" is an important theme. Players will be able to engineer this career to witness the era of change.
Q: I cannot imagine advocating natural Sylvari to the emergence of a purely technical field engineer career, how are you going to the engineers for each Guild wars 2 gold to set a background it?
A: The first engineer was born in Charl steel Legion, an innovative weapon blacksmith became a pioneer in the technological revolution, and soon found that these other races are also very efficient new scientific and technological achievements, Thailand Rhea began to emerge on the continent of various ethnic backgrounds engineers. Like Asura soldiers and Norn Necromancer, each race has some unusual "alternative", they come from the people made for a hero, so Hill Warui family of technical-oriented engineers is not unheard of.
Q: The engineers are "fighting a" in the worship of the alternative career? Both games are the same?
A: We never thought of worship as an alternative to professional engineers, although both the surface orientation somewhat similar, but the engineer is a more flexible and interesting career.
Q: The family of Charles racial skills and the skills of engineers mines have different?
A: The family of Charles racial skills to set a mine, while engineers can also set up five mines.
Q: Kit and turret skills are class skills in public (Utility Skill) it? Public skills have a relatively long cooling time, so I am very worried that engineers will customize the lack of adequate skills in most of the time caused by a lack of means of attack or defense.
A: Yes, both public skills. But do not worry, we do not have the skills cooling time for the public what to do mandatory, we will try to balance the cooling time of each skill to play some role in this, and allows players to fight with different skills, some practical skills will have a very short cooling time. Kit class skills and cooling time, but you have to manually switch between these different kits to use, the turret can be treated as class skills guardian weapons and Necromancer summon a servant, careful consideration in order to play the greatest role.

SWTOR—the dream online game of the players

The STWOR, the famous online games was loved by the players since its coming out in the market. Some players even claimed that the game is the dream online game of the players. I don’t get too much information why they said that, but the pictures and fighting setting of the game impressed me deeply when I first saw the game on my boyfriend’s computer.

BioWare said that PC gaming's "Star Wars: The Old Republic" is "Mass Effect" and "Dragon Age" players’ "dream game." In addition, the game has been in North America, is going to show the first test recent. In an interview, lead writer Daniel studio - Eriksson (Daniel Erickson) said: "If you bring something like an online game, such as the love of community, people like to compare with other equipment, so that you Any online games like elements can be found in the Star Wars OL.”

The official website of the “Star Wars: The Old Republic” announced the information about the popular Star Wars’ character Han Solo's hometown – the Corey Leah planet. If you also want to explore in the wonderful land, you can just buy the SWTOR Credits and feel it by yourselves.

Corey Australian Planet mild climate, the terrain is mainly plains, forests and oceans. Corey around Australia and the other four planets in the star field of stars Corey Leah Kerui Er (Corell) operation, while Corey Leah is the administrative center of the star field.

Because it has a strong political influence, Corey from Republic of Nigeria are always trying to separate independent, so when on the planet of all communications are cut when the Republic, all aware of certain things about to happen.

In addition, Eric also believes that the task of developing this online only to BioWare studio: "BioWare is one of its best development studios," he said, and he will be "Mass Affect 2" out for an example, "they developed the game is EA is currently the best quality comes up, no one." With such a large capital and the best studio, Eric thinks this is to protect a necessary prerequisite for the success of online games: "This major investment well into the online game reflects our determination and commitment of the players." But what I am concerned is whether the investment of the producers can win the proper return in the competition. But one thing is sure, that is, the income from the players to buy SWTOR credits will be unaccountable.

In the furious competition in the game market, the SWTOR can be so stand out is resulted from the continuous changes have been made by the producers and the designers. Many media reported that the SWTOR group is going to launch a new round of development in the following years. At that time, the players can enjoy even better feast than present. Then it will be the real dream online game.
Read more news:When Will SWTOR Reveal Its Mask?


The Note When You Play the Game RIFT

"RIFT: Te Lana domain of God", a fantasy-style MMORPG, developed by the new U.S. gaming company Trion World Network, PC masterpiece from the "Heroes" creator Jon Van Caneghem leader of the production. The game is set in a distorted extra dimensional fracture space. Players can perform different tasks with your RIFT gold from different worlds.
The game is no employment restrictions, and the role played by the player can always choose four kinds of occupations as a basis. The basis of occupation and each is divided into eight attributes (lines), and the player can choose any of them to form more suitable for 3-series his new career.
Let’s have a look at game Features: Career can be freely configured. It has dynamic copy of the task (copy a randomly generated). It is incentives to encourage group games. It is comparable to the soul of the tree design skills of Warcraft. Barriers to entry are not high, and it is approachable.
Game Currency (cheap rift gold): "RIFT" currency: silver, gold, platinum. Virtual transaction receiving unit P: 1P = 1 platinum silver = 100 gold = 10000. You can get more game-related analysis, and forecast the game's virtual trading game may refer to the original article Mak: "RIFT" virtual trading game analysis and forward-looking.
Sometimes, when players face a game he is interested in very much, but he does not know how to get access to the game. Now, let’s combine the game RIFT to explain the steps to you. What country do you live in option to require applicants to submit their own area, because the game does not limit the player area, so we can choose China for their registration.
Please enter your birth date requires players to fill his birthday, followed by day, month, year. TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT for the players, you were required under the agreement just drag and drop to the next step can be registered. Finally, you need to remember to click the recognition agreement marks.
You must first fill out your e-mail and confirm. Your e-mail address will be logged by the game. Password and Confirm password required players to set and confirm your password. First name is your name, the game currently does not require authentication, so you can choose to complete their English nickname. Last name is a surname.
Now is the Secret Question. You should select a Account protection. If the player is not very familiar with English, then we must bear in mind their options and can choose easy to remember as much as possible the problem. Your answer account protection question answers also need to keep in mind. This is related with the process to buy rift gold on MMOXE in the future after you get into the game. If you are interested the game RIFT, you can connect me to exchange some experience during playing RIFT.

The difference between male and female guild leader

Firstly, I have managed to lead a few raids by myself (I'm a guy, if you didn't know that already) and in general do my best to make sure everything goes fairly and smoothly, however passively I usually act. If a person doesn't work hard enough for the standards I set for that instance, I add them to my blacklist. Of course, due to time constraints and a lack of a desire to lead raids in general, I've stopped. I don’t earn much wow gold.
Many of the raid leaders I've been with are guys. They actually range from relatively easy-going to fair and stern to absolute. The easy-going ones tend to invite pretty much anyone, and it works best for a group that isn't going too far into a raid (4/12 ICC, weekly). The easy-going raid leaders are usually inexperienced as a result, and are often just people want to quickly get stuff done so they don't have to bother with it later in the week. Then work together to make gold and then we needn’t buy wow gold anymore.
The "fair and stern" raid leaders among males are a bit rare (for complete pugs. In terms of guild, most raid leaders appear to fall into this category, regardless of gender). If at all, a raid leader that appears to be like this is often just a relatively inexperienced raid leader propped up by decent raiding buddies. However, in the rare few cases that a pug leader is "fair and stern," raids run incredibly smoothly and result in strong, cohesive groups in the long run, kind of like a regular GDKP run. One really well-known player I feel falls into this category, and as a result he can run pretty much any raid he wants and expect droves of people to come (he even has a pretty large core of regulars)
The absolute raid leader appears as a casual raid leader but then on content that actually matters, if something goes wrong, he goes off yelling at people and pointing fingers (rightfully or wrongfully. This depends). The degree of anger varies, however. Then cheap wow gold should not the present he given to us.
As for the females, all female raid leaders I've met thus far really fall somewhere in the "easy-going" and "fair and stern" category. Often they are calm and try to keep the raid content and together. Some take their time (something most male raid leaders don't seem to do, from my view).
I hope this has been a relatively decent analysis for you...Shame I haven't had much experience with guild raid leaders. Several different guilds. Good raid leaders, defined as "not as much of a challenge as the content itself," one female, three male.
The "four or six" is because one was a leader who was utterly under the control of another gamer (female) and the two maybe-leaders let multiple bigmouths walk over the top of them. (Mostly female, again, but male as well.)
I've been a raid leader, as well, mostly because my fiancé/husband and I did gear-up runs in Kara for folks who weren't so quick leveling up.
On a side note, we always introduced ourselves as a couple to new people, and without fail they assumed that my husband was the female. Eventually, our sense of humor lead to me never speaking on vent, and he use voice changing tech, there's a long line of raids that were lead by yours truly who think they were lead by a man.