
Guess what kinds of special professions will be in the Guild War 2

Last week, the veteran game company NCsoft's ArenaNet production company released seventh professionals of the MMORPG "Guild Wars 2". Due to the contents released is quite limited, today in ArenaNet's official blog, ArenaNet Community Manager Regina Buenaobra published an article on professionals on the new FAQ for the players looking forward to Guild Wars 2. Also some details of this particular profession have been released, just take a look at below:
Q: The treatment of the ability of Healing Turrets is added, but also has a Med Kits, and Absorb skills such as defense. In the "Guild Wars 2" whether it focus on the treatment / BUFF / secondary vocational it?
A: The engineer is not an element of division than, Necromancer or guardian how much more professional treatment, the treatment engineer turret and treatment packages are set in their treatment skills slot, you must carefully consider how they can play effect. For example, treatment of the turret and the Ranger has a similar treatment at the fountain, and the absorption is nothing but a slight deflection playing different versions of a lot of skill players from other professional skills to find a similar shadow. Guild wars 2 gold We want to engineer designed as a versatile auxiliary support professional, but not in specific categories are definitely stronger than those particular occupations.
Q: The engineers focus on technology, the professional in the field of fantasy seemed more traditional alternative. Do you think the engineers of mines, grenades as well turret Han and the "battle 2" Long, sword and magic of the world out of tune?
A: "fighting a" story of the past 250 years, buy guild wars 2 gold the technology You Le advance, and we hope that these advances can become a wealthy individual engineer's career. We do not want to be the traditional fantasy of the bound box, every turn that this is not a fantasy world that should have. Of course, the technological revolution brought about by engineers as being representative of the cultural mainstream culture has not been widely recognized, this will be reflected in the game. You can see a lot in the game medieval weapons, technology and hardware revolution is "Guild Wars 2" is an important theme. Players will be able to engineer this career to witness the era of change.
Q: I cannot imagine advocating natural Sylvari to the emergence of a purely technical field engineer career, how are you going to the engineers for each Guild wars 2 gold to set a background it?
A: The first engineer was born in Charl steel Legion, an innovative weapon blacksmith became a pioneer in the technological revolution, and soon found that these other races are also very efficient new scientific and technological achievements, Thailand Rhea began to emerge on the continent of various ethnic backgrounds engineers. Like Asura soldiers and Norn Necromancer, each race has some unusual "alternative", they come from the people made for a hero, so Hill Warui family of technical-oriented engineers is not unheard of.
Q: The engineers are "fighting a" in the worship of the alternative career? Both games are the same?
A: We never thought of worship as an alternative to professional engineers, although both the surface orientation somewhat similar, but the engineer is a more flexible and interesting career.
Q: The family of Charles racial skills and the skills of engineers mines have different?
A: The family of Charles racial skills to set a mine, while engineers can also set up five mines.
Q: Kit and turret skills are class skills in public (Utility Skill) it? Public skills have a relatively long cooling time, so I am very worried that engineers will customize the lack of adequate skills in most of the time caused by a lack of means of attack or defense.
A: Yes, both public skills. But do not worry, we do not have the skills cooling time for the public what to do mandatory, we will try to balance the cooling time of each skill to play some role in this, and allows players to fight with different skills, some practical skills will have a very short cooling time. Kit class skills and cooling time, but you have to manually switch between these different kits to use, the turret can be treated as class skills guardian weapons and Necromancer summon a servant, careful consideration in order to play the greatest role.

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