
The Note When You Play the Game RIFT

"RIFT: Te Lana domain of God", a fantasy-style MMORPG, developed by the new U.S. gaming company Trion World Network, PC masterpiece from the "Heroes" creator Jon Van Caneghem leader of the production. The game is set in a distorted extra dimensional fracture space. Players can perform different tasks with your RIFT gold from different worlds.
The game is no employment restrictions, and the role played by the player can always choose four kinds of occupations as a basis. The basis of occupation and each is divided into eight attributes (lines), and the player can choose any of them to form more suitable for 3-series his new career.
Let’s have a look at game Features: Career can be freely configured. It has dynamic copy of the task (copy a randomly generated). It is incentives to encourage group games. It is comparable to the soul of the tree design skills of Warcraft. Barriers to entry are not high, and it is approachable.
Game Currency (cheap rift gold): "RIFT" currency: silver, gold, platinum. Virtual transaction receiving unit P: 1P = 1 platinum silver = 100 gold = 10000. You can get more game-related analysis, and forecast the game's virtual trading game may refer to the original article Mak: "RIFT" virtual trading game analysis and forward-looking.
Sometimes, when players face a game he is interested in very much, but he does not know how to get access to the game. Now, let’s combine the game RIFT to explain the steps to you. What country do you live in option to require applicants to submit their own area, because the game does not limit the player area, so we can choose China for their registration.
Please enter your birth date requires players to fill his birthday, followed by day, month, year. TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT for the players, you were required under the agreement just drag and drop to the next step can be registered. Finally, you need to remember to click the recognition agreement marks.
You must first fill out your e-mail and confirm. Your e-mail address will be logged by the game. Password and Confirm password required players to set and confirm your password. First name is your name, the game currently does not require authentication, so you can choose to complete their English nickname. Last name is a surname.
Now is the Secret Question. You should select a Account protection. If the player is not very familiar with English, then we must bear in mind their options and can choose easy to remember as much as possible the problem. Your answer account protection question answers also need to keep in mind. This is related with the process to buy rift gold on MMOXE in the future after you get into the game. If you are interested the game RIFT, you can connect me to exchange some experience during playing RIFT.

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