
New Systems Announced in Display of E3

When asked about unique systems such as "political system" in the game, R & D team is still adhere to the hedge attitude, and they do not want to answer whether this particular system and PVP the only political system that is built on top of Society and Team System. PVP players will have another system that will enable them to enjoy, and all the answers at this year's E3 game show pinpointing.
According to Korea-related reports that South Korea will soon be making money funds have exceeded 500 billion won of the birth of online games. Game players pay much attention on "TERA". Although, R & D investment on TERA has been such a high cost, relative quality of the game and certainly a high level of work, but once the game if the operation fails, the developer might therefore push the prices collapse, resulting in unpredictable consequences. The price of Tera gold is increasing.
R & D team huge development costs will exceed the WOW. Developers Bluehole Studio said "TERA" the development funds to the assessment in May this year has exceeded 400 billion won, who predicted "TERA" to make this winter, when fear of over $ 50 billion of funds. Analysis and development funds will increase because the quality control department of 40 new employees, and "TERA" the entire development team into a 200-strong organization.
Online games currently on the market development funds actually invested large sums of products, and there is NCsoft's "AION" of 25 billion won and Blizzard's "World of Warcraft," 450 billion won, NHN's home-made game "C9" the cost of about 15 billion won. As the next generation of well-developed SONOV online "Berkanix" investment funds as well as more than 100 billion won, XLGAMES of "ArcheAge" and NCsoft's "sword of the Spirit" as close to 100 billion won funding. It seems such a record. "TERA" will have been identified beyond the "World of Warcraft", by far the world's most expensive online games, but this does not include other marketing promotional costs such as the cost players buy Tera gold on MMOXE.COM to play the game.
Currently, foreign single game like "GTA4" and "Metal Gear Solid 4" of development funds more than 1,000 billion won, "Modern War 2", "Too Human", "Shenmue", "Kill zone 2", " Halo3 "," GRANTURISMO5 "and other games are more than 50 billion won. If this situation develops, "TERA" the world next year will have the opportunity to compete in other games of the highest development cost of the game Top10.
In fact, as a newly released game, TERA is very good and in a rapid development process. With the popularity of the game, the currency in the game Tera online gold is in hot sale, which can show the popularity of the game.
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