
Are you afraid of the multi-level Black Dragons?

Do not fight with the monsters when you plan to make RS Gold. It wants to break inside, but I usually began to go first. I do not want to run out of energy. Go to a lesser demon there, and open the magic-free or free battle. Then run all the way to the northwest corner on the stairs, where there are 200 multi-level Black Dragon. But do not be afraid, you quickly point on the stairs, and he is simply too late to hit you. I generally will not be harmed on the floor of the stairs.
The above is a stone, which seems to be called water oblistic. Anyway, you start to use magic, that magic point of 56, 25, those who have become orb on a power water orb.
And then slipped out of ring, flew back to war castle, and deposit the power orb from the bank. If you do not have them, you can use cheap rs gold to buy some. Then you will come up law rune, air staff, and water rune, and fly back to the city. You need to continue to head to the next round of break dungeon. If you run out of prayer, you can go to the altar to the north tarverly red.
To have charge over the entire orb, the last step is to fly back to V town. You can go to the center of the city staff shop to buy battle staff. And then you need to post the water power orb. It may lead to water battle staff. Then high alch and the staff turned into cash. One is more than 9200.
In my estimation, if carefully, the final net profit of RS Items as the nature rune, cosmic rune, water rune (a orb requires a nats, 3 cosmic, 30 water) should be each orb in 1500.
Korea Times and the Terra Nova site Angie Yang of South Korea correspondent, wrote the article. South Korea, the accuracy legislative session to implement those plans is related to the virtual trade bill. The bill will be valid only for those non-virtual transactions. But it does not harm those legitimate virtual transactions. The big question now is how to define which virtual transactions are legitimate and which are non-legitimate?
Some might argue that the development of end-users with operators as limits of the standard protocol is to determine the legitimacy of transactions in the easiest way. However, in this case, there is virtual trading game companies allow. Of course, obviously, if you do not allow, the problem becomes complicated.
This may be paradise game, since the heated debate has told us that virtual trading on the commercial success of the game played a crucial role. See an article from the Korea Times reports:
Major online game operators, such as NCsoft, NHN also CJ Internet, they are not clear what the government's true intentions towards the virtual trading. Ncsoft official said, "We believe that the government will not ban virtual transaction which caused us serious harm, because players will still find other ways to trade."
Ncsoft officials seem to have acquiesced in such transactions between players, which really surprised me.

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