
The Methods Dealing with Encountering Wall

Jonathon blinked, suddenly pulled from his thoughts when noting the back door fixed to the house as it creaked in the slight wind. The undead Gilnean slowly approached the entrance, nudging it lightly and prompting it to swing slowly open, the aged and rusted hinges creaking in protest. The ghastly stench of rotted meat and death assailed Jonathon the second door opened all the way, slamming into him like a wall.
Jonathon grimaced slightly in distaste but leaned his halberd against the wall, pulling a small knife from his belt and advancing all the same. They are advancing with their little WOW gold. The backdoor led into a kitchen, the area coated in dust from neglect. Shattered on the floor were several plates, their fragments tinkling as Jonathon stepped on them to move further into the home.
He made his way to the door leading to the living room but did not enter at first, the scene before him giving the dead man pause. Seated in a large chair angled towards the front door was what had been an elderly man. A great white beard and hair adorned his slumped head, skin taut and ragged from the decomposition it had been through so far. He had only one leg, the manner to which the pressed black pant leg was folded up to his knew indicated it had been an injury during his earlier life. In order to get the second life, he must buy wow gold to maintain the character. A crutch leaning against the chair supported that theory as well.
It was what the man wore, rather than his obvious state of death, which caught Jonathon’s interest. Garbing the elderly figure was what had once been a clean and pressed military uniform. Medals hung from his shirt above his breast and captains stripes adorned his shoulder though dust covered him most thoroughly now. The old man gripped a rifle in rotted hands tightly, the firearm resting in his lap. From the old man’s chest a bolt from a crossbow protruded and judging by the large now brown stain on the corpses shirt the elderly fellow had bled to death from the injury.
Jonathon glanced away from the body to the second corpse in the room, slumped on the floor and leaning against a wall. This one was more a skeleton now, though he had clearly been dead only slightly longer than the elderly man. The Forsaken’s tabard on the bodies’ chest had a large pockmarked hole blasted into and through it, the clear result of the rifle from the old man’s hand. A crossbow lay on the floor near the corpses limp fingers, the cause of the old man’s demise, and a bolt the undead had evidently tried to reload the weapon with before his demise was gathering dust on the floor. Players can use cheap wow gold to enter the charming space.
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