
The Captain Karfix be angry in the wow story

I played wow for years. I like this game. I have less time online and I always find cheap wow gold to help my leveling. Now I will share the wow story with you.
Captain Karfiz loudly cleared his throat causing the boy to start and turn around in surprise. “Take a seat in any of the chairs.” The captain ordered as he sauntered through the cramped room, sliding into the largest seat and lacing his fingers before him on the table, staring at the boy.
“Yes sir.” The teen quickly uttered, grabbing the nearest of the seats and plopping into it, his back as straight as a rod with nerves.
“Very good. Now, I run a tight ship ‘round here. As such you will refer to me as captain, captain Pug sprocket or sir, nothing else. As for me, I’ll call you whatever the fell I damn well please still something sticks. Understand?” Karfiz demanded, slamming a fist on the table for emphasis causing the youth to jump slightly.
“Yes sir!” He declared smartly. Karfiz smirked at the reaction, nodding his head to himself.
You’re gonna be sleeping in the galley with the cook and helping him out unless I tell you to do something else. Clear?” Karfiz asked with his tone still harsh but not nearly as demanding as it was moments before. When the youth nodded again in understanding the goblin nodded himself and leaned back in satisfaction, a grin spreading across his face. (If it’s in the game, wow gold can be help.)
“Good. Now the last thing is that there’re rules aboard my ship. Break them suffer the consequences.” The goblin explained, brining up a hand with solely the index finger up, more fingers added as he counted out his rules.
“Yes captain.” Was his enthusiastic reply from the green eyed youth?
 “At any rate,” the captain began, a hand drifting to one of the drawers of his desk, pulling forth several sheets of paper with sharp angular handwriting gracing them, “this is a contract that I aver all the crew sign. It keeps the letter of the law and makes sure that every man is held accountable for ‘is own actions aboard mah ship.” The one eyed goblin declared, thumping a fist on the stack of paper. “Just because we’re at sea don’t mean we leave the law behind on land. Now, yak sign ‘ere,” the goblin informed him, turning the paper around to face the new crewman and placing a pen on top of the parchment, “and I’ll be sure you are treated fair in terms o’ punishment.”
The green skinned man grinned and took the papers, sliding them back into the drawer and locking it tightly. “Good. Now then, you are an official member of mah crew, welcome aboard kid.” Captain Karfiz declared, standing on his chair and leaning over the desk with his green arm outstretched. Ned grinned happily and shook the goblins hand.
This is some plot of the story: The Depths of Madness. If you really like the game, just buy wow gold to play the game. That’s exciting.
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