
Grow some thicker skin in the game playing

Of all the issues that I think Blizz has "failed" on in Cata, I don't see this as one of them. Could it be tweaked a little better? That pretty much describes everything in Wow however.
I agree the wow gold award should be higher. I pretty much used the SSO and Tourney dailies as a primary source of income for my toons. This allowed me to have the gold necessary for flight, upgrades, and vanity items without having to farm or play the AH. It was an alternative means to an end, and was a good idea from Blizz.
I think somewhere the comparison was shown where the 23ish days it takes to get the crafting recipe is pretty similar, if not much shorter, that the time it would take to get the comparable raid drop.
Blizz has also made some very well-thought improvements to some of these dailies. The fact that you only have to participate in killing most mobs, and not "tag" them is HUGE. Imagine how much longer these would take if had to make the initial tag on all the mobs. Now, you are pushed more into either endless farming, the occasional extreme demand of some crafted items, or getting a lucky BoE drop, to stay well stocked on cheap wow gold.
I won't try to hit every point here in the thread. What I will say is that you really need to grow some thicker skin if you are going to post topics like this here. You posted an opinion topic, and then got overly defensive when people did not agree with your opinion. Around here, half the people will disagree with anything, just to get a rise out of you, and the other half actually do disagree with you, and are going to argue their side of the issue.
Also, I don't believe I read your solution to the perceived problem anywhere here. You say it’s too much of a grind. So what would be fair? How long should it take?
First, I never said this was on overriding problem in Cata in general, if you read the op I am saying its hypocrical on the basis of most everything else being shortened or made faster while this is the first real daily grind they have pushed on players. I agree it’s faster than other dailies we've seen, I'm not trying to act like it’s this huge problem or the sky is falling regardless of how many people wish to act like that.(this is just a message board where people can post about wow related topics, which is all I did). Then buy wow gold is necessary. 
Also, to say I got overly defensive is a bit ridiculous seeing as the replies were taking this thread a lot more seriously than I was. I am fully aware of the people who lurk just to make mountains out of molehills while getting on their high horses about nonsense like this. As to a solution, I did in fact mention two on this thread, I said 200 marks would be more reasonable, and then upping the mats a bit since we are talking about items made only after you have already maxed a profession. Anyhow, I am replying only out of courtesy, not in any real desire to sit around debating this issue anymore. It never was that serious to me other than that I think Bliz could have done better.

Read more:A brief talk of whether has Wow changed

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