
Getting into the Board of the Ocean in the Guild Wars 2

The following are two topics the ArenaNet introduced for players. "Water battle": Today we have to go beyond the X-axis and Y axis to sneak into the broad "Guild Wars 2" waters. You should be ready to wet your body in the interesting game. And you should prepare enough Guild Wars 2 gold to enjoy the water battle fully.
Quaggan family is smart, gentle amphibians. They have been living in the endless depths of the sea. Recently, they moved to the coast and the tragedy of the sea of gray near the shallow waters, as well as the Mainland freshwater lakes. Quaggan can breathe in the water and on land. They are both also in salt water to survive in fresh water. Although the land to be a day, their skin will be chapped, dry, becomes uncomfortable. But they can survive.
Quaggan is omnivores, and they rely on collection of corals, algae and fish for food. They are oviparous animals and rely on the collective upbringing of future generations. Most Quaggan comes from the south, and they are back shades of blue and white abdomen seamless, very natural. Another group of northern ethnic groups, the back is black, belly white, looks more like penguins and killer whales.
Quaggan is peace-loving nature. Unless angered, they are rarely aggressive. When Quaggan threatened or in pain, their adrenaline levels surge, part of the skin into a deep scarlet color, and exposing the canines, their webbed feet become their terrible claws. At this point, their instinct will overcome rational thinking, then the Quaggan water damage as a machine. When they show their aggressive, they will become ill at ease, which in their populations will be seen as rude behavior.
This behavioral change is the main reason Quaggan to avoid fighting. In this aggressive state, they themselves and those around them at risk. They only lead to senseless destruction of rage, and never consider strategies or injuries caused. They players buy Guild Wars 2 gold to enjoy the excitement in the water in the game. Some heroic Quaggan able to hold his anger was more aggressive, which in their community is seen as strange behavior.
Quaggan is always polite, so they think that self-referential sentence is an affront to the self-centered behavior. They rarely use "I" or "my" like pronouns, only the general term "Quaggan" instead. Therefore, let those who talk and talk directly Quaggan race is crazy. Like “I lost my pet fish, I'm sorry” This sentence will become pet fish lost. This manner of speaking makes a lot of people think that Quaggans are naive and even some silly, in fact Quaggans are very wise, but in some areas and other ethnic groups is somewhat different. In my eyes, the race is a very interesting and close to approach race in the nature.

Read more:An Even Gaming Environment Provided by the Developers

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